Monday, 24 March 2014

Thursday Night Curse

Curse of the Thursday night

Something to fill your ears while you read!
A personal favorite, one of the early episodes of the GQ podcast.


Techno Trance and Thursday all start with T, but COME ON! Thursday is generally not an ideal day for partying and you know it. 

The Thursday night curse is what I call the phenomenon where, in Trinidad most EDM shows get pushed aside and fall on a Thursday night or during unorthodox times like 1 and 2 am. 

I've narrowed down some of the reasons I think "the curse" exists. 
EDM appeals to a niche community, it's growing but still niche. EDM is on the B list of music in T&T with A list being soca and dancehall. So if I were a promoter when it comes to putting on a show and I look at the week for my club, pub, radio station or what ever I am running, I need to pull a crowd to make money.


Not … really really on a consistent basis!


I really do think it has the potential to. 

The major days to bring in a crowds are Fridays and Saturday nights where you have access to the most people off work / school etc. In our culture it would bomb sales not to have soca played on these days, after all, thats what the majority of T&T's audience wants. 

Thats one glearing reason that an EDM dedicated venue has not really flourished here. However when I think about it the rock community not as culturally accepted but seems to be hanging in there. When I ponder on it I really think it's because the rock community just does not give a shit. They are not depending on the clubs and pubs. Rockers unite in open fields, parks, beaches ... anywhere they can get permission to let their performers do their thing so they get their Fridays and Saturdays on. More of our Dj’s should follow suit, just set up all over the place and throw down some tunes ... of course with legal permission. It's done with soca all the time. Having random EDM throw down.

Another problem is the glaring bias showed by our local radio stations. Thank god for the internet huh … If not for things like GQ podcast, Monster Cat and Chronic X Agression I’d be at a loss. I yearn to see Trinis be open minded enough to accept an all EDM radio station. 

All is not lost
Major kudos to ValSTAR and HYDROTONE for BPM Thursdays and Electrik Avenue. However they both fall victim to symptoms of the Thursday night curse. BPM Thursday, on a Thursday night and Electrik Avenue being in the wee hours of Saturday morning. I'm almost certain that with more support both of these shows could really be the game changers in T&T EDM so get your asses out there and support them!

Some things id like to see in future. Some are quite idealistic but hey ... One can hope.
Frequent Friday and Saturday night shows
A dedicated EDM radio station
A dedicated EDM club 
More DJs and artists creating their own EDM and getting it out to the public. 
The EDM community showing more interest in locally produced EDM.
Looking forward to Hydrotone’s EDM Jouver’t band in 2015

Question for you, and be DAMN STRAIGHT about your answer.
If you were not listening to the GQ mix above. Here it is again, so take a listen and tell me ... Saturday night you DJ throws down a session like this, what do you do?

1 comment:

Kayode said...

Solid background music, but something's wrong with the formatting at the bottom. Another video is half visible, and it's blocking the final Q&A.